Member Hosted Webinars & Events

[2020-09-15] Webinar: Reclaim Your Workplace: Creating a Resilient Environment Post-Pandemic

Please join MSKInpixon, and CBRE Host for a live virtual roundtable, Reclaim Your Workplace: Creating a Resilient Environment Post Pandemic, discussing how companies can bring people back to work safely. The event will be moderated by CNN's Aditi Sangal and feature a panel including MSK Partner Jeremy Mittman, Inpixon CEO Nadir Ali, and CBRE Host Global Product & Technology Lead Brennan McReynolds. The panel of industry experts will explore topics including which technologies industries are using to adapt to the current constantly-changing landscape, and the potential legal challenges that might arise as a result of return-to-work initiatives. 

September 15, 2020

11:00am PT / 2:00pm ET

Register for the Webinar.

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