International Trade and Customs

Michael Sippitt writes for City A.M. on ‘The glass is full of opportunity when it comes to global trade’

Despite President Trump’s America First philosophy, the UK’s bumbling (though still unclear) exit from the EU, or any number of other “glass half empty” stories that dominate the news, the reality for business generally is that life goes on and deals can and must be done.

Undoubtedly, certain important industries fear any new barrier to the international trade on which they have long built their business models, so often reliant on complex supply chains with multiple cross border product flows.

Damage to such industries does of course carry risk for some national economies and directly affected workers.

Nonetheless, there is a world of smaller, less affected enterprises across so many countries which already export, or want to find new export opportunities. These may sometimes be disrupters to existing global businesses, such as innovative technology which is changing so much of the business environment, regardless of political noise.

Read the entire article.

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