
Key Points Regarding the Regulation on Certification and Support of Renewable Energy Resources

Contact: Ece Yilmaz; Erdem & Erdem (Turkey)


Various investment incentives are adopted in order to encourage investments in the field of renewable energy resources, and to prevent potential investors’ hesitation to enter the electricity generation market due to high investment costs. Renewable Energy Resources Support Mechanism (“YEKDEM” or “YEK Support Mechanism”) has been established in an attempt to promote investments regarding renewable energy resources in Turkey. Within this context, the Regulation on Certification and Support of Renewable Energy Resources (“YEKDEM Regulation”) that was issued in accordance with the Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Resources for Electric Energy Generation numbered 5346 (“YEK Law”)[1], entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 01.10.2013, and numbered 28872. This newsletter article examines the provisions of the Regulation in question. 

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