International Trade and Customs

Trade Registry Regulation

Contact: Prof. Dr. H. Ercument Erdem; 

Erdem & Erdem 


The Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102[1] (“TCC”) includes general provisions on the trade registry and registration. Article 26 of the TCC, as promulgated, stipulates that the trade registry directorate, registry ledgers, realization of the registration and similar matters shall be regulated under by-laws. This provision, however, was amended by the Law on the Amendment of the Turkish Commercial Code and the Law on the Entry into Force and Application of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6335[2] (“Law No. 6335”) which was promulgated prior to the entry into force of the TCC. Pursuant to the amended Article 26, the principles and procedures governing trade registries and registration shall be regulated by a regulation prepared by the Ministry of Customs and Trade (“Ministry”) and issued by the Council of Ministers.

Read the entire article on Erdem & Erdem's website. 

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